
New Info From Me

Hey there, did you know, ameba pico game has many version language. Like, ameba pigg ( japan version ) you can open it in I play that but, i didnt understand so, im just playing ameba pico. But this time, i'll show you about ameba pico in chinese version. You can play it here I'll help you to play the game here.

First, you must go to After that, try to understand this picture.
Then select gender, you can choose BOY or GIRL.

After you finish, click the button that i circled.

After you're done with your avatar, click the button that i circled.

Then, you can choose what room do you like, I choose the pink one, 'Coz i love pink. lol

Yay ! Now you have a room.

Then enter your email, password and re-type password, nickname
and the last one is your birthday information.That's it !

You must open your email, and Go to huoxing again. 
You can click the button that i circled, for shortcuts. 

Now, you're Ready for this game ! Dont forgot to do the tutorial !
It will help you very much. 

1 comment:

  1. chloe ini gimana yng cek email lagi aku bingung cari yang mana
